Dr. Sean Brummel

Title and Affiliation
Research Scientist and Statistician
Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Contact: sbrummel@sdac.harvard.edu
Co-lead, Epidemiological and Statistical Methods Core
Co-lead, Genomics Task Force
Dr. Sean Brummel is a Research Scientist and Statistician in the Department of Biostatistics and the Center for Biostatistics and AIDS Research at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Over the last 9 years, he has served as a senior statistician within both the PHACS and IMPAACT networks. He provides expertise in time-to-event analyses, clustered and longitudinal analyses, statistical genetics, clinical trials, and missing data methods. Within PHACS, he is co-lead of the Genomics Task Force and was the senior statistician on studies of substance use, neurodevelopment, behavior, adherence, viral load, genomics, ancestral informative markers, epi-genetics, and bone health. Within IMPAACT, he is a lead statistician for the IMPAACT 1077 Promoting Infant and Maternal Survival Everywhere (PROMISE) a large set of clinical trials in which interest lies in comparisons of antiretroviral (ARV) drug strategies to optimize the health of mothers who are HIV-positive and to help minimize perinatal HIV transmission. He is the senior statistician on IMPAACT 2010, a randomized phase III study of three ARV regimens in pregnancy. He is the senior statistician for the PROMISE ongoing treatment evaluation cohort (PROMOTE), a 5-year observational follow-up study of the PROMISE participants aimed to build research capacity in Africa. His statistical interest lie in estimating effects when the time origin of interest is pregnancy.